Last week taller girl with amazing back muscles!
Me and a co worker were behind an adorable girl who worked in one of the departments. Anyway, she was wearing a tight little belly shirt that left nothing to the imagination. Her entire back was bared, tanned and was NOTHING BUT ALL MUSCLE!My jaw dropped I swear, as I was walking behind her down the flight of stairs and her back was so broad, and as she walked muscles were popping and rippling all over her back. As I pass her a little bit, I almost moaned out loud seeing the rest of her! Her chest was so developed, I imagine if she hugged me, my little ribs would snap one by one! And her abs were as solid and defined as bricks too!
The awesome thing is the day after, I saw her again about the same way...then I saw a smaller adorable little blonde girl in a backless shirt at my job...and her back muscles throbbed, rippled and bulged out like solid rocks!
Not tall, but what a dream!
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