Friday, July 29, 2005

reminiscing of tall girl experience

I went to the mall with a friend some time ago, and thanks to her I got a cool haircut. I got it cut the style I wanted. Then we had a bite to eat, after we were leaving FYI I notice these 2 blonde teens walking out with some teen guy. these girls were so tall and stacked, I SOOO almost fainted right there. The both had long ice blond hair down to the small of thier backs. They were so much taller than me, I was pretty scared to walk too close. Either of these young girls could've lifted my litte 5ft 4in body over thier head and snap my little body like a twig. Walking behind them with my friend... who was bitching what sluts they looked like and that it was inappropriate for them to dress this way. But really, when your a towering, busty, athletic and jaw droppingly gorgeous teenage blonde girl lets face can dress ANY way you want! Walking behind these girls, was so awesome! i was practically only as high as the small of thier backs! the one girls chest was so awesomely big, and was just above my head! i was so weak in the knees just being behind these girls! I think thier shirts and SHORT shorts were 2+ sizes too small...but if you got it, flaunt it. i may not have alot. I am really little and small, even most teen girls say I am "so tiny" or "waaaay too small", but I like the fact that I end up standing below shoulder or chest level to girls. Alot of these girls got it. They got the rockhard athletic bodies, dropdead sexy looks and superior height.


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