Sunday, February 12, 2006

Tall, buffed up dealer girl

When I was at work about 4 days ago I happened to walk through the employees hallway and I almost bumped into an awesomely big, rocksolid hardbody. This blonde girl who was a dealer at one of the tables. Towering over me in a white pressed shirt, painted on her upper body, her chest and shoulders were so colossal I looked like a small child standing next to an adult. Yes, this hottie was that much taller. She is really so tall, that her chest is above my eye level and another awesome thing...she has so much mass, and so much meat on her bones she looks like the she-hulk when she struts by. She can barely fit in her outfit.

I would love to jump her bones and ride that big sexy bronco, but if we did the bump and grind, she would pound me so hard she'd crush my spine, my pelvis and ribs without even trying that hard. For a girl that big and sexy, I wouldn't mind being crushed!


At 10:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a question, rogueish... are you Asian? (i noticed you like cooking and eating Asian foods.)

At 4:40 AM, Blogger athletic tall-fan said...

Nope, I am actually caucasian, a European mixture born in the US. I am mostly Irish and English.


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